Featuring poets Aideed Medina; Esther Lin; and Soul Vang, Pos Moua, Yu-Han Chao, and poets of the Hmong-American Writers Circle. Open mic if time after the reading; also featuring opportunity for attendees/open mic participants to contribute to library poetry zine by submitting poems (30 lines or less) to beratliss@mjc.edu before or during event.
MJC Library & Learning Center, East Campus (North Campus Way)
Contact: beratliss@mjc.edu
Twitter @mjclibrary
This event made possible by a grant from the MJC Foundation (http://www.mjcfoundation.com)
Cosponsored by MJC Library & Learning Center, MJC Counseling, UndocuAlly DREAM Network, and the Modesto-Stanislaus Poetry Center.